Redefining Happiness
and Success

About 5th Friend

It’s said that our success and happiness are shaped by the five closest friends we spend time with. But sometimes, great friends are far away, too busy, or simply don’t share our drive to grow. That’s where 5th Friend steps in.

Join a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for learning and living life to the fullest. Whether you need someone to listen, offer fresh perspectives, remind you of your strengths, or provide compassionate, non-judgmental support, 5th Friend is here for you. We’re dedicated to helping people achieve their goals and overcome challenges.

Ready to connect with your 5th Friend? Let’s grow together!

How We Support Your Journey to Happy and Successful Life?

At 5th Friend, we believe life is too precious to leave to trial and error. Instead of chasing fleeting moments of happiness or jumping from goal to goal, we help you redefine what happiness and success truly mean. By creating a space for peace, joy, and love in your life, and the lives of those around you, we set the foundation for true success.

When you’re in a resourceful state of mind, you become more creative, flexible, resilient and effective in communication, collaboration, and leadership. This naturally leads to a fulfilling and long-lasting career and financial success. All of the above are becoming crucial for success in fast changing world we live in. Remember, happiness isn’t just the end goal; it’s the prerequisite for lasting success.

We support you with fresh perspectives and effective tools to build a life you enjoy, not just endure. Our services include group sessions covering essential topics related to happiness and success, personalized 1-2-1 sessions with qualified coaches and monthly mastermind group sessions. These sessions bring like-minded individuals together to share dreams, goals, and challenges, providing mutual support essential for success.


Ready to build a happier, more successful life? Join us at 5th Friend and let’s grow together!

On this journey, we will explore few key topics

Authentic Happiness and Success criteria of the future

Discover what brings lasting happiness and true fulfillment into life. How does this connect to future career success?

Living in the Present

Learn how to fully enjoy your life today, while creating the foundation for your dream life tomorrow. How to reconcile the past and look forward to the future?

Goal Setting for Joy

Explore new approach to setting goals, that prioritize enjoying the journey as much as reaching the destination. The journey is Life.

Self-Love and Self-care

The importance of self-love and impact it has on all areas of our lives.

Prioritization and Delegation

Master the art of prioritization and delegation to be able to focus on what truly matters in your life.


How to connect and collaborate in ways that foster trust, respect and create value for everyone involved, including the world around you.


Equip yourself with knowledge and tools to transform any past or current hurdle into your power and find strength to overcome any obstacle.

Celebration of Life

Embrace the practice of celebration as a routine to cultivate gratitude, prosperity and joy.

You can always ask more

Weekly sessions

In our weekly sessions we dive into essential topics for building a happy and successful life. We'll debunk common misconceptions and share valuable tools and resources to enhance your everyday life. Each session concludes with goal-setting activities to help you apply what you've learned in real-life situations.

While each session can be attended independently, we strongly recommend attending them all for the most comprehensive experience.

Personalised One-on-One sessions

Our one-on-one sessions are fully tailored to your specific needs. We typically start with a package of three 1-hour sessions where we get to know each other, set goals, and create a high-level coaching plan. Following the initial package, we offer biweekly or monthly sessions as needed. At 5th Friend, we strongly believe that coaching is about unlocking your inner potential, not fixing something that is broken. All sessions are conducted online, allowing you to attend from the comfort of your home with minimal disruption to your busy schedule.

Monthly Mastermind Group

Our monthly mastermind group offers a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your drive for growth and success. In this supportive environment, we come together to share our dreams and goals, offering each other help and encouragement. By participating, you'll benefit from the collective wisdom of the group, gain fresh perspectives, and stay accountable for the goals you set. It's a powerful way to stay motivated and inspired on your journey to achieving more in life.

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